An Update on Office Health and Safety Procedures South Orange, August 25th 2020 – Our New Jersey location, myBranchOffice SOMA One, reopened in mid-June. We’ve all been navigating the uncharted waters of Covid-19, especially over the past couple months as...
My Branch Office SOMA One Reopens June 15th Our long-awaited reopening is finally here! After three months of locked doors and empty offices, we are excited to welcome our members back – old and new! In line with Stage 2 of Governor Murphy’s reopening plan, My...
Missing Your Office Workspace? New Member Registration Now Available In light of current events, many of us have found ourselves working from home. Our makeshift home offices have proven safe and convenient, but not without their fair share of distractions –...
As We Prepare to Reopen We hope you are all safe and well. The challenges of this health crisis have touched everyone in our community. The long shifts and dedication of our health care workers, and first responders, the missed graduations and social gatherings,...